Tomato Tree or Tamarillo: Description, Uses, Benefits and Recipes

tomato tree

The tomato tree (Tamarillo) produces fruit that resembles tomatoes. The flavor of this fruit might not be known to everyone. And however, it has universal features and can be extremely useful to everyone.

Do you like tomatoes? It is true that no matter if they are in salads or on toast, for instance, they're delicious. What if I told you there was one that's more than the size of a tree? It's called the tamarillo; however, it is also called “the tomato tree”.

If you're interested in knowing more about this, read this article. It contains all the necessary information.

What is a Tomato tree or Tamarillo?


Tamarillo is native to South America, and it is often referred to as "Tree Tomato," which is now grown worldwide. One of the biggest producers of tomato tree is New Zealand. The name was changed to distinguish it from regular tomatoes, focusing on its exotic variety.

It originated native to South America and was first grown by farmers in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile, and Argentina. The tree tomato fruit is very popular across Africa, India, Nepal, China, Australia, the United States, New Zealand, and Hong Kong.

New Zealand brought the tamarillo to the primary market of fruit and named the food as part of a marketing campaign in the year 1967. The tamarillo before that was mainly referred to as the tree tomato, also known as “tomate de arbol”, in its original country.

The New Zealand Tree Tomato Promotions Council thought this moniker sounded like a regular tomato. They decided to change it and gave it the term "tamarillo," a label they believed made it sound Spanish.

Tomato trees were imported into New Zealand by traders from Asia, and these first fruits were generally colored either purple or yellow. The popular red-hued tamarillo variety was first developed in the 1920s by an Auckland nursery, using tomato tree plants from an orchard in South America.

Then, a decade later, the tomato tree was introduced as commercially grown, although on a smaller scale. Nowadays, most tamarillos originate directly from New Zealand. Still, more extensive orchards in Colombia, Ecuador, California, and even regions in Africa and Asia also cultivate the tree tomato fruit for commercial use.

Today, tamarillos can be found in gold, red, and amber shades. The tree tomato fruit is a tiny, soft, edible seed (similar to tomatoes) and is eaten fresh, but the peel is generally not eaten.

Tamarillo is utilized in chutneys and sauces, and it is to be used as dessert toppings, then pressed in juices, baked, and picked. The cost varies depending on the location you reside in. If you live in a region where tomato trees are not grown, it can be challenging to come by and cost a lot compared to other fruits.

Description (botanical)

The plant is part of the family of Solanaceae. Beetroot Cyphomer is a different term used to describe this native representative of the world of tomato tree plants. It is an evergreen plant that can grow up to 3 meters in size. 

However, it is not a fully-fledged tree, and it is more of a bush. It is stunning foliage. It is a beautiful plant that spreads small flowers with the shade of light pink that emits a pleasing aroma.

The plant favors subtropical climate and pleasantly warm temperatures throughout Argentina, Brazil - the most favorable regions to cultivate successfully. The lifespan of the tomato tree plants is approximately 15 years, and the fruiting period begins in the first year. Tamarillo is one of the fruits that can't stand even a slight frost.

tree tomato fruit

  • Alias : Cyphomandra betasia
  • Family: Solanaceae
  • Type: Fruit tree
  • The height ranges from 1 to 4 meters (in its natural habitat)
  • Contagious disease: bright or sunny indoors
  • Country: Very light, somewhat wealthy
  • Harvesting: Heat, rinse on foot
  • The name that resembles a tomato is a tree tomato.

Size and color of the tree tomato fruit

The tomato's fruit tree is oval and can reach 10 centimeters in size. The berries develop in massive clusters, and the number of berries in a bunch can exceed 12 pieces. 

The peel can be colored in many different ways, including red, orange, yellow, and muted-violet. In the skin, there is soft flesh that is golden in color. If you cut into the meat inside, lots of bones that are black are found along the middle.

Origin and Specifications of tree tomato

The exact place where the tree tomato fruit was discovered for the first time was tamarillo is not known. Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, America The fruit's place of birth could be due to its impact on these regions. It is grown in the mountains in Venezuela, Costa Rica, and other areas.

The biggest importer and supplier of tomato tree to the global marketplace in New Zealand is active in producing. The harvest of the fruit is from June through August.

Our hero is an evergreen tree or tree that is native to Latin America, specifically Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina, and Venezuela. It can reach a height of 3 to 4 meters. Their scientific name is Solanum b. betseum, but it is also identified as Andean tomato serrano tomato, tree tomato, yucca tomatoes, Nordic mangoes, aubergines, or tamarillo.

The tomato tree leaves are alternate, whole, with a robust petiole up to 8 cm in length with dark green leaves that are rough to the roughest of touches. 

The flowers are tiny in size, ranging from 1,3 to 1,5 centimeters in diameter, white to pinkish, and are arranged in racemes at the end. The flowers bloom in the spring (May through May in June to May in the Northern Hemisphere).

It is an oval-shaped berry that measures 4 to 8 cm long and 3 to 5 cm in size, and the skin is red or orange and is smooth. It is edible; it can be eaten raw or cooked to make desserts or sweets. They are high in iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamins A, C, and E.

Care for Tomato Tree

If you would like to preserve a duplicate of the document, we suggest that you keep it with the following considerations:

  • Tamarillo growing zone: Location outside In semi-shade.
  • Pot: Universal substrate for growing blended with 30 percent perlite.
  • Garden Fertile, with excellent drainage.
  • Riego Aguas: Every two days in summer, and 4 to 5 days of rest.
  • From spring through the end of summer, organic fertilizers are used.
  • Multiplication: Tomato tree seeds in spring. Direct sowing of seeds.
  • Scorching: It's susceptible to temperatures below 0°C. The temperature that it can tolerate is 10oC. It can be used indoors.

Different types of tomato tree

tree tomato

Today, science is aware that there are three wide varieties of tamarillo fruit:

  • Red. It is a beautiful wine in its natural shape. It has a pleasant taste that is enhanced when consumed raw. This species is among the most sought-after. It is bright red with bright skin and flesh that is orange. The seed is reddish with a hue. Because of the proper and stunning location of the bones, it is frequently utilized to embellish various food items. It can decorate even the most basic food with its deep color and delicious scent. It is recommended to taste red tamarillo to begin your experience with the fruit of an exotic plant. The fruit of this variety is generally regarded as the classic and best.
  • Yellow. Is it unusual to taste a sweet tomato? Tomato tree fruits give you the chance to taste yellow's lovely and soft flavor. In appearance, the tamarillo is red. The appearance and cut do not differ from regular tomatoes.
  • The orange (golden). Because of their sweetness, the fruit of the orange tamarillo is in the middle of yellow and red. The main advantage in comparison to other varieties is its size. The juicy and fleshy tamarillo of golden color is larger than the various species.

Tamarillo's Calorie Content

The trend for a healthy diet is growing in popularity. Tamarillo, for instance, can be an excellent aid when it comes to choosing the correct vitamin supplements and a low-calorie item. It has just 31 calories per 100 grams of tree tomato fruit. It can be used to make an entire meal or accompany main dishes with an appetizer.

Useful properties

Beetroot is extremely rich in mineral and vitamin composition, and it is an excellent source of essential substances to function correctly in your body. Beneficial properties of the fruit:

  • It can be utilized as a part of a diet food due to its low calories content. It has been suggested to use tamarillo to lose weight and digestive tract diseases and diabetes.
  • Dietary fiber is a tiny amount of carbohydrates, which are high in.
  • The minerals sodium and potassium are essential components to maintain the health of your diet. Tamarillo's fruit is capable of supporting your body with these nutrients.
  • Are A B vitamins 6, C Thiamine, Riboflavin.
  • Fruits with a golden or orange color are higher in vitamin A up to a greater extent than red-colored fruit.

Contraindications to the use

Tamarillo is suggested to use as a treatment for severe disease. There are no contraindications to the product other than for individuals with intolerance. 

The health benefits of the tree tomato fruit have not been available, and however, it is a good source of trace elements essential to the body. The primary reason to incorporate fruit in your diet is the high amount of nutrients.

What is the best way to consume tamarillo?

Do many people ask what the best way to eat tamarillo is? It is an essential issue since numerous interesting aspects are associated with this method. 

First of all, the fruit is covered in an invisible peel, and before you eat the tree tomato fruit, it is necessary to remove it. The problem is that a mature Tamarillo cannot be cleaned using the help of a knife because it is an incredibly soft structure.

We'll explain the best way to eat tamarillo:

  • Option 1: Soak the fruit into boiling water for a half minute before gently peeling off the skin, as you would do with a typical tomato cleanse.
  • Alternative 2: You could cut the fruit into two pieces and eat the pulp using an edible spoon, just as it can be done with fresh avocado.

What should you look for in a tamarillo?

red tamarillo

To ensure that you don't get disappointed by a quality product, it is essential to pick it up correctly. The luster of its peel can distinguish the perfect tamarillo. It is free of damaged structures and dents, and the stalk is attached to the fruit.

It is crucial to judge the quality of the product by touching it. It must be soft but flexible enough. If you press down on the fruit's surface using your finger and then release it quickly, it will return to its original form. Additionally, be attentive to the hue, and it should be pleasing and uniform.


Tamarillo can be stored within the fridge for up to fourteen days. The freezing process, beginning with peeling, is suggested for storage that lasts for a long time.


Its flavor resembles passion fruit, and its elegant shape draws the attention of those who appreciate aesthetics. Tree tomato fruit can be an exotic ingredient in cooking:

  • Fresh flesh made from the fruits of tamarillo is an excellent marinade for meats.
  • Salads made of fruits and served with not customarily used tomatoes can delight guests.
  • A fascinating fact is that the tomato fruit tree is equally gorgeous in both sweet and salty dishes. Because of this, it is often the primary component in the dessert menus.
  • It can be used as the basis of smoothies that promote weight loss and healthy eating.
  • Tamarillo fruit garnishes are an excellent way of adding a "final final" to make the dish.
  • A nutritious and low-calorie jam is made from the fruit from the tree of tomatoes.

You now know the meaning tamarillo can do and the best way you can make use of it.

How to grow tomato tree

Here is a guide about how to grow a tomato tree. Tamarillo is an indigenous plant grown outdoors in our latitudes in areas with mild climates in winter because this tree is not tolerant to negative temperatures below -3 deg for its foliage and -2 deg.

Thus, it is possible to cultivate within the Mediterranean region or along the Atlantic coast in certain conditions of winter protection.

  • Tamarillo is best in a sunny area protected from winds
  • The soil should be arid to prevent stagnant water.
  • The land must be regularly fertilized and enriched.
Click here to read the growing guide of lime tree.

Tamarillo cultivation in pots

If you're worried about negative winter temperatures, it is crucial to plant your tamarillo in an outdoor pot to safeguard it from the winter.

Very resistant to frost, we can cultivate tamarillo-like citrus fruits by placing them into the winter greenhouse in an excellent spot. However, it is protected from frost

  • Make sure you put a 5 cm drainage layer of clay balls on the pot's base.
  • Pick a specific soil for your fruit tree or citrus
  • Place the pool in the sun, but keep it out of hot spots because it will dry out quickly in a container.
  • The pot should be taken out from May through October to November
  • Introduce tamarillo into greenhouses or an unheated patio, but keep it safe from frost during winter.

If you opt to cultivate in a greenhouse, a time of rest for the plant should be scheduled during winter.

  • This time frame requires a reduction in the amount of water
  • Make sure you have good lighting, as it's vital even in winter.
  • Make sure you keep tamarillo in the most excellent location in your house.

Tamarillo Watering and maintenance

Tamarillo is a tree of fruit that enjoys entertaining plenty of water in the summer, mainly when it is hot.

It is recommended to water your tomato tree plants daily in drought or extreme heat.

  • If you are watering, do not drown the tomato tree leaves.
  • To water, a potted tamarillo, do it immediately after the soil has dried to the surface

Besides watering, taking tamarillo is relatively easy from the winter months through summer.

Harvesting tamarillo

Tamrillo is the perfect fresh fruit, closest to maturity as you can, and it is best enjoyed immediately after eating it as new as is possible.

It's not the best before maturity and may be difficult to digest even at an extremely young age.

If the tree tomato fruits aren't long enough to mature, it is possible to let them ripen just like tomatoes before eating them.

There is more to learn about tamarillo.

Tamarillo is indigenous to Peru, and it is famous for its orange or red fruit.

It's part of the same family as the nightshade, the tomato, but it is shaped like a plum.

The tree tomato is slightly acidic. Its flesh, soft and fleshy, is consumed similarly to the 

tomato, and it is usually eaten raw.

We also enjoy tasting it in the form of Tamarillo juice. An alternative name is called tree tomato.

The most important country for production in Colombia, and it is why the tree's fruit is difficult to grow outdoors in our high altitudes.

Smart Tip About Tamarillo cultivation

For cultivation outdoors, select the cultivar Cyphomandra sorbiflora since it can withstand negative temperatures of around 7 deg in sunny locations and is well-protected from winds.

How to Utilize Tamarillo

Tamarillo is sweeter and is tangier than tomatoes, but its texture is similar. In contrast to tomatoes, the tamarillo is a bitter fruit with skin removed before eating, and it can be accomplished by boiling the tree tomato fruit before parboiling it.

To enjoy the fruit raw, cut the tamarillo in half, then scoop out the flesh using the help of a spoon. Remember that the raw tamarillo can be sweet and is usually coated with sugar (similar to a grapefruit) when consumed this way.

If you are scooping the fruit raw or even flash cooking it and the meat of the tamarillo is used in smoothies, chutneys, and then refined into hot sauce and cooked down to the topping of egg dishes such as roast chicken or pasta.

Mix tamarillo and curry, then bake it into muffins or use it to add flavor to a porridge breakfast. Think of a tamarillo in the form of the fruit version of a dessert tomato and make use of it wherever it is sweet, tangy, and a little savory fruit could be.

What is Tamarillo Smell Like?

Imagine the sweet taste of a tomato, then add a sharp, tangy, citrus bite and a bitter undertone, and that's what tamarillo tastes like. The texture is like tomatoes, with tiny, edible tomato tree seeds.

The hue of the tree tomato fruit may impact the taste. The lighter amber-colored tamarillos offer the sweetest flesh and work best with desserts. If the tamarillo's color is red, it's more savory with a more citric flavor, making it an excellent accompaniment to the main meal or a spicy sauce.

Additionally, there are larger gold tamarillos. They aren't as sweet as amber but have more sugar than red.

Where can I buy tamarillo?

Despite the acclaim of tamarillo in certain countries, however, it's not a simple tree tomato fruit to locate, remarkably fresh. Latino supermarkets or markets that sell Latin American foods most likely contain bags of frozen pulp from tamarillo that can be utilized in smoothies or cooked recipes.

To purchase fresh tamarillo in a pound size or per product, make sure nearby orchards produce the fruit and buy straight from the orchards. If not, the tamarillo fruits and seeds are available on the internet and then shipped.

You should look for tamarillo, which is solid but not too hard, and brightly colored without imperfections. You should look for the same quality and ripeness indicators that you would look for when buying fresh tomato tree for sale. 


The majority of tamarillo available is frozen and should remain frozen until it is ready for use. When the fruit's still fresh, you can store it as tomatoes away from the direct light on the counter.

Whole tamarillos can be kept in the refrigerator to ensure freshness; however, they won't last longer than a few days. After cutting, put fresh tamarillo inside an airtight container within the fridge. Eat or cook within 3 days.

If the tamarillo has been cooked, it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to four days if it is sealed in a container.


There are three varieties of tamarillo, including amber or red and gold. Amber-colored tamarillos are the sweetest and the smallest.

The next sweetest of the three comes gold. It's more vibrant and has a little more tartness, and it's also the most affluent of the three. Red tamarillos are most like tomatoes, and they possess a tart, citric taste with subdued sweet notes.

Benefits of Tamarillo

1. Vitamins:

Tamarillo is a vitamin A, C, E, and pro-vitamin A powerhouse. It's a good supply of vitamin B complexes, such as Niacin, thiamine, and Riboflavin.

Other elements in tamarillo include carbohydrates and protein, fats and potassium, calcium and sodium.

It also has minerals like phosphorus, manganese, and copper. It also contains magnesium, iron, and zinc, and it is also enriched with numerous minerals that improve immunity (1).

2. Weight Loss:

It's beneficial for those who are looking to shed weight. When consumed raw and sprinkled with herbs in salads, tamarillo's juice works as a detoxifier after consumption. The acidic properties of tamarillo help cut down on fat, and training too can speed up the effects of weight loss.

Arjun tree is also a great tree for weight loss.

3. Good for Skin:

Tamarillo contains vitamins A, C, and E to ensure your skin is glowing and healthy. Anthocyanin, flavonoids, and phenols help protect your skin from the effects of oxidative stress and pollution. Tamarillo can also aid in preventing aging.

Similar to regular tomatoes, these are also used in homemade remedies for various skin conditions.

4. Helps to Control Diabetes:

The chlorogenic acid found in tamarillo aids in lowering blood sugar levels for type II diabetes mellitus. Tamarillo has a high concentration of antioxidants that reduce oxidative stress within organs like the pancreas and the liver.

Tamarillo's pulp can be eaten, or drinking its juice with a light stomach, will result in more effective outcomes.

5. Cures Inflamed Tonsils:

In Ecuador, natives of Ecuador heated the leaves of tamarillo and wrapped them around necks to soothe achy or inflamed tonsils. Heat absorption by leaves eases the pain. The Columbians make a poultice out of the tree tomato fruit by heating it with embers to prepare it for use outside their bodies.

6. Treats high blood pressure:

Increase the amount of tamarillo you consume to reduce the high blood pressure risk. Rich in good sources of potassium and minerals, This fruit can help control blood pressure.

7. Good for Heart:

Potassium, a nutrient richly found in tamarillo, aids in balancing the detrimental effects of sodium levels that are high within the heart. It is a source of magnesium that helps in the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Tamarillo also contains large amounts of fiber, which can help reduce the absorption of cholesterol within the body. Because of its antioxidant properties, it aids in helping to reduce the oxidative stress that could cause a stroke (2).

8. Eyesight:

Tamarillo fruit is also beneficial for maintaining good eyesight. Vitamin A is a great way to replenish the water content of the eye's membranes which acts as a barrier against viruses and bacteria. It helps protect the eyes from infection and minimizes the damage caused by eye diseases like cataracts (3) and macular degeneration.

9. Cancer:

Anthocyanins found within the dark tamarillo are potent antioxidants, which fight free radicals that can cause cancer. They also possess anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties to ward off cancerous outbreaks.

Now that you are aware of the health benefits of tamarillo, make sure to check out one of the recipes!

Tomorilla Sprout Salad:

Serves 1 per

Time: 10 minutes


  • Tamarillos - 2 to 3
  • Multi-grain (optional) 250 grams
  • Onions -1(diced)
  • Green chili 1 small
  • Cumin seed - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil 1/2 teaspoon
  • Garnish with the color of your option


  • In a pan, heat oil.
  • Add cumin seeds, and sauté for about a minute, following which, add diced onions and cook for two to three minutes.
  • After becoming slightly soft when tender, add the multi-grain sprouts and sauté at high heat.
  • Change the flame's temperature from high to low, cook for another 3 minutes.
  • Sprinkle some water over it and cover it with a layer of water.
  • It is then steamed for about one minute, take off the lid, then add tomatoes.
  • Saute over a hot flame and add salt.
  • It can be seasoned by adding Indian or Italian tomato tree seasonings, which are an option.

Let us know how you came across this article! Share your Tamarillo recipe If you have any! Post a comment below!

Bhanu Prakash

Bhanu Prakash is the owner of Nekopoi APK where he shares all the information regarding trees for free all over the world. Bhanu Prakash shares benefits of a tree along with all the other required content.

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