Ashoka Tree: Description, Vastu, Uses, and How to grow

ashoka tree

Do you want to collect some information regarding Ashoka Tree? If yes, then you’re at the correct article.

Trees are the most crucial part of the biological survival of every living being present on earth. The exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen is the most powerful technology ever made by nature for our survival. Still, there is some tree that stands in a unique position.

This article covers almost all necessary topics about the Ashoka tree, including description, mythology, importance in Vastu, how to plant, false Ashoka tree, and FAQs. So without any further ado, let’s understand what the Ashoka tree is.

Description of Ashoka Tree

The Ashoka Tree, aka Saraca asoca, is a rainforest tree. It is a historical tree mainly situated in Indian subcontinents like western ghat and Deccan plateau. As Indians traditionally use this tree, Odisha has declared its flower as a state flower.

This tree has a significant role in astrology and Vastu that is supposed to remove negative energies from all around. It includes many homeopathic properties primarily used for the well-being of women health. Its exceptional-looking flowers can easily recognize this tree.

ashoka tree leaves

It’s a small-sized tree that doesn’t grow more than 10 meters in height. The branches of this tree create a crown-like structure by spreading in every direction.

The splendid-looking vibrant orange flowers blossoms in the summer season. Colorful butterflies and birds are the aficionados of these spherical inflorescences. Due to its positive vibes, people believe that it vanishes mournfully permanently.

Mythology of Ashoka Tree

The Ashoka tree is referred to as a sacred tree in Buddhism and Hinduism. Well, who haven’t heard the fantastic tales of Shri Ram – Ramayana. When demon king Ravana kidnapped goddess Sita, she refused to live in that place, and hence Ravan gave her space in Ashok Vatika.

ashoka tree mythology

Now, Ashok Vatika is known as Seetha Eliya in Sri Lanka; Goddess Sita spent significantly of her 14 years exile.

Again, another demon of Hinduism – Kamadeva (Nowadays, people misbelieve him as a god) included Ashoka flower in his quiver. Kamadeva is the God of love, and in this Kaliyuga (Modern time), his powers are at their peak.

Kamdev brainwashed people, and now everyone thinks he is good and god, but significant crimes and sadness on earth are only because of him. He uses Ashoka flowers for seductive hypnosis.

This tree can be seen at the Open gate of Hindu and Buddhist temples. The Lord Buddha (Shakyamuni Buddha) was born under this tree in 563 BC.

Ashoka Tree: Importance in Vastu

As Ashoka is a sacred tree, it has a page of benefits in Vastu as well. Having this tree near the home reduces negative energies and brings positive vibes that lead to happiness and positivity in people's lives. This tree must be planted in the north; otherwise, it may produce contrary results.

ashoka tree importance in vastu

It’s believed that if this tree is planted in a home, then there will be no financial crisis there.

Ashoka tree medicinal use

ashoka tree medicinal use

Ashoka tree is a well-known term in the context of Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a medical branch that cures the diseases of people using natural extracts. If you go to any other branch like homeopathy, you can control your disease until you’re taking medicines regularly for your whole life.

Whereas Ayurveda provides a permanent cure for the disease. Ayurveda amazingly works a hundred times better than any other branch. May it take a few more extended periods, but it provides a permanent cure. Using Ayurveda, our ancestors take Ashoka tree uses to cure various diseases.

The woman the bark juice can cure specific ailments of this tree. Apart from that, its flowers are also beneficial in dysentery. Here, the Ashoka tree is used to fix multiple problems like astringent, wounds, oily and dull skin, or internal bleeding.

How to plant Ashoka tree

how to plant ashoka tree

The plantation of this tree is as simple as any other plant. You can receive the Ashoka seeds from the pods in the rainy season. The best way to plant this tree is by getting a year-old seed and plant by 3×3 Ft.

It’s a great way to decorate in a park or religious area. It gives a traditional positive look and enhances happiness in the surroundings.

False Ashoka tree

People are usually confused while differentiating between the Ashok tree and Sal tree. We have already written an article about sal tree that you can read by clicking here.

Apart from that, the main confusion between the Ashoka tree and Sita Ashoka, known as the false Ashoka tree. Both trees are generated from the same species, but they are still not entirely the same. Just look at these pictures, and you’ll be easily able to differentiate between both trees.

false ashoka tree
Ashoka tree

Sita Ashoka Tree

The Ashoka tree leaves are pretty smooth and more prolonged in shape, whereas the Sita Ashoka tree leaf is round.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the price of Ashoka Tree?

A. Ashoka tree price costs from ₹100 to ₹300 INR.

Q. What is the Ashoka tree botanical name?

A. Ashoka Tree's scientific name is Saraca asoca.

ashoka tree flower

Q. What is the height of the Ashoka Tree?

A. The Ashoka tree height is just 10 Meters.

Q. Where does the Ashoka tree grow?

A. Mainly, this tree has grown in Indian subcontinents, Eastern Himalayas, and western ghat.

Q. What is the benefit of the Ashoka tree?

It is an Ayurvedic plant with many medicinal benefits. It can help you with internal bleeding, wounds, worm infection, etc.

Q. Can you eat the fruit of the Ashoka tree?

Ashoka tree fruit is not suggested to be eaten as a meal, but it can make Ayurvedic medicines.


So finally, you are here! Congratulations! Now you have all the required information regarding the Ashoka tree. We’ve discussed all the vital points such as the mythology behind this tree, its Importance in Vastu, Medicinal benefits, and we’ve learned to plant these trees as well.

Apart from that, we’ve discussed how you can identify a false tree; later, all of your powerful queries have been solved. If you have any questions regarding this tree, let us know by sounding off in the comments section.

Bhanu Prakash

Bhanu Prakash is the owner of Nekopoi APK where he shares all the information regarding trees for free all over the world. Bhanu Prakash shares benefits of a tree along with all the other required content.


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