Sassafras tree: Identification, Uses, Benefits, and Growing Guide

Sassafras tree

With the growing quality of living, homeowners typically opt for expensive wooden furniture to increase the value of their homes. Sassafras tree produces one of the top woods utilized today to make furniture for decoration.

Sassafras tree comprises three extinct and one extinct species of deciduous plants belonging to the family of Lauraceae that are native to the eastern part of North America and eastern Asia. The Genus is distinguished by its aromatic characteristics, making the trees useful to humans.

Learn interesting facts about sassafras tree and its wood which not everybody is aware of:

What does a sassafras tree look like

The biggest known sassafras plant is located in Owensboro, Kentucky. It has a height of more than 100 feet (30 meters) tall with a circumference of 21 inches (6.4 metres) in diameter.

sassafras tree leaves
Randy EveretteCC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Common

If you are wondering what a sassafras tree look like then you should know about sassafras tree growth rate. The Sassafras can grow up to 9 to 35 meters (30-115 feet) tall and have numerous slender branches that are sympathetic and smooth, brown, as well as yellow or red sassafras tree bark.

Still thinking how to identify sassafras tree? The entire plant smells aromatic. The species is unique in that they have three different leaf designs in the same plant. Oval to oval and the bilobed (clay-shaped) or trilobed (three-dimensional) sassafras tree leaves are usually five-lobed.

Three-lobed leaves are more prevalent in Sassafras Tzumu and Sassafras randaiense; however, three-lobed sassafras tree leaves can be found on Sassafras albidum rather than the North American counterparts.

The young sassafras tree leaves and twigs are mucilaginous and emit an odour that resembles citrus when crushed.

The tiny yellow sassafras tree flowers are generally six petals. Sassafras albidum and Sassafras Hesperia are dioecious, with female and male sassafras tree flowers growing on different trees.

In contrast, Sassafras tzumu and Sassafras randaiense have two flowers on the same branch. The fruit is blue-black drupe when it's ripe.

Caste: Identification sassafras tree

The Genus Sassafras comprises four species, including three that are still extant plus one that has gone extinct.

Sassafras is native to North America and East Asia. There are two species in each region, distinguished by a few distinct characteristics such as the prevalence of sassafras tree leaves with three lobes (more frequently than East Asian species) and aspects of the reproductive cycle (North American).

Taiwan Sassafras Taiwan is regarded by botanists in some circles as a distinct genus within Yushunia randaiensis (Hayata) Kamikoti. Still, new genetic evidence shows that this is not supported by new genetic evidence sassafras as an, in fact, a federation.

How to identify sassafras tree: Delivery and Accommodation

Jasmines can be aromatic evergreen trees or plants adapted to heavy humidity and rain. However, the species of sassafras can be classified as deciduous. Sassafras deciduous trees shed all of their leaves for a while, depending on the rainfall change.

In the tropical deciduous Lauraceae, the sassafras tree leaves are at risk of loss during dry seasons in subtropical, tropical and desert areas. The dry period is caused by the plant's inability to absorb water available through the snow.

Sassafras is usually found in open woodlands and along fences or in fields. It is a great plant to grow in moist, well-drained, sandy, loamy soils. It is tolerant of a wide range of soil types, and it is at its highest levels in the wetter and southern areas of its distribution.

Sassafras albidum is indigenous to the southern part of Maine and the southern part of Ontario from western Iowa in addition to the south of central Florida and central Florida and eastern Texas, North America.

Sassafras Tzumu is located throughout Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Yunnan and Zhejiang, China. Sassafras randins originate from Taiwan.

Sassafras importance in wildlife

The sassafras tree leaves and twigs, sassafras tree bark stems, fruits and leaves are consumed in small amounts by mammals and birds. Sassafras is not eaten in enough quantities to be significant, but it is a significant deer food source in certain areas.

Photo by and (c)2006 Derek Ramsey (Ram-Man)CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons

Kerry and Gill think its value to wildlife to be justified, hence their lowest score. Deer of whitetails and porcupines eat the twigs and leaves of sassafras. Other leaf-eaters of sassafras include marsh rabbit, the groundhog and the American black bear.

The winter months are when rabbits consume their way through the sassafras tree bark. American beavers trim their stems sassafras.

Various bird species consume sassafras fruit, like Eastern kingbird, bobwhite quail great crested flycatcher wild turkey, phoebes northern flicker, grey catbird downy woodpeckers, thrush vireos, and northern mockingbirds. A few small mammals also consume the sassafras fruit.

Sassafras tree uses

1. Human use

All the parts of the sassafras tree, including the stems, roots, twig leaves, bark fruit and flowers, are utilized for culinary, medicinal and aromatic uses both in regions that are endemic and in regions that were importing them.

The wood from sassafras is utilized to produce furniture and ships across China, Europe, and the United States, and sassafras played a significant role in the development of European colonization of the American continent during the 17th and 16th centuries.

Twigs of sassafras wood have been employed for toothbrushes and fire extinguishers.

2. Sassafras tree uses in cooking

Sassafras albidum is a key ingredient in many traditional dishes typical of food items in the United States.

It is the primary ingredient in root beer, a traditional drink, and the main ingredient in sassafras root tea. The sassafras tree leaves that are ground are often used as an ingredient to Louisiana Creole cuisine.

Mix this ingredient and Traditional North American and European cooking techniques from the Americas. The cuisine is a distinctive mixture of the native Creoles and is considered by some to have been greatly influenced by the mix of different cultures.

Sassafras has been removed in commercially produced root beers due to concerns over the carcinogenicity of safrole, one of the main components in the oil sassafras, as determined by the FDA in 1960 to be used in commercially produced foods. Sassafras oil was also prohibited for use in medical research and animal studies.

The sassafras tree flowers and leaves are also used in salads to enhance the flavour of fats or cure meat.

3. Traditional uses of sassafras tree for medicinal herbs

Numerous Native American tribes used the leaves to treat wounds applying the sassafras tree leaves directly to wounds. Apart from that, teak tree is also beneficial to be used as a treatment for wounds. Other elements of the plants were utilized to treat various ailments, including treating urinary disorders, acne and body temperature.

Treatment of progressive diseases like a high fever. East Asian types of sassafras like sassafras Tzumu (chu mu) and sassafras rundiens (chu sh) are utilized in the Chinese treatment of trauma and arthritis.

A few recent researchers have concluded that sassafras, the oils, roots, and sassafras tree barks are believed to have antiseptic and analgesic properties.

Different aspects of the sassafras Sassa (including the stems and leaves, the bark and the roots) are utilized to treat scurvy, kidney issues, skin lesions and arthritis. They also treat toothache, menstrual issues, inflammation and sexually transmitted diseases, such as bronchitis and hypertension.

It also functions for fungicides and as a rubefacient, dentifrice diaphoretic, fragrance carminative, and even a sudorific. Before the 20th century, sassafras was gaining the utmost respect in the medical literature and was appreciated due to their ability to improve the flavour of other drugs.

Both the wood from sassafras and the oil was utilized in dentistry. The first toothbrushes were made of twigs of sassafras or wood because of their aroma. Sassafras was also used as a dental anaesthetic as well as disinfectant.

4. Sassafras Wood is used for the construction

Sassafras albidum is usually cultivated as an ornamental plant due to its unique leaves and pleasant scent. Outside of its native zone, It is also cultivated in Europe and other regions.

The sturdy and attractive wood of the sassafras is used to manufacture furniture and shipbuilding across North America, Asia, and Europe (once Europeans were introduced to the plant).

Sassafras wood was also utilized to start fires by Native Americans in the southeastern United States because of the fire-proofing properties of the natural oils contained in the wood and the sassafras tree leaves.

5. Sassafras tree is used for fragrance and oil

The steam distillation process of the dried root sassafras tree bark creates an essential oil with the highest amount of safrole and isolated quantities of other chemicals like camphor and eugenol (including 5-methoxyeugenol) asarone, asarone and different sesquiterpenes.

A variety of other trees contain a similar percentage of oil. The extracts are often referred to as sassafras oils, which were often utilized as a scent in soaps and perfumes and food items aromatherapy.

Safrole is the precursor to the manufacturing of drugs MDA and MDMA. Consequently, the distribution and importation of sassafras's oil (as a safe mixture with a concentration above threshold) are severely prohibited to the US.

Sassafras oil is used as a natural insect and pest repellent and to cover up unpleasant or strong scents in liquors (such as the poppy-based Godfrey) and wine at home. Sassafras oil is also added to cosmetics, soaps, and other soaps.

It is prohibited in mass-produced commercially produced foods and medicines from the FDA. FDA as a possible carcinogen throughout the United States.

6. Commercial use

For a more thorough description of the usage of the indigenous inhabitants of North America and the development of commercial usage of sassafras albidum by Europeans within the United States in the 16th and 17th centuries, refer to the article on the extant North American species of sassafras.

Today the plant is being grown and harvested to extract the oil sassafras. It is utilized in a range of commercial products and their synthesis, like an insecticide-synergistic chemical called piperonyl Butoxide. The plants are mostly used for commercial use across Asia and Brazil.

What exactly are sassafras's hardwood and the characteristics of sassafras tree growth rate

The sassafras is one of the rare species of camphor that is a tall stem made of wood. However, its fertility is less than other species, and the scientific name for them is Cinnamomum parthenoxylon.

Sassafras tree for sale

Sassafras belong to group 2 and are classified as high-quality wood, yet they are often confused with a different tree known as wild incense. If you want to purchase authentic sassafras, you have to shop at reputable stores to avoid purchasing fake and inferior quality wood.

The sassafras plants can thrive in a wide range of soils and climates. The mature sassafras plant can be anywhere from 10 to 20 meters tall. The leaves are large, dark green, and the flowers are white and usually bloom in summer or spring.

It's a particular species when its components can be useful to us. That's why it's sometimes referred to as "Treasure of the Green Forest", similar to a walnut tree. But because of the value of sassafras, it is hunted and utilized. This wood is becoming extremely scarce.

The Top 5 Characteristics of Sassafras Tree

1. Wood stain

Sassafras tends to be dark red, typically within Quang Ninh mountain ranges. In other provinces, sassafras wood is typically mixed with light brown, pale yellow, and even green. Even though they are different shades, they still have outstanding properties.

2. The scent of Sassafras Wood

Peppermint has a lasting and pleasant scent reminiscent of the camphor scent. The smell of camphor comes from the sassafras plant, and it is used to repel insects and as a mild disinfectant.

Additionally, products made of sassafras timber are efficient against insects and termites due to the distinct smell. According to locals, this wood is extremely aromatic, and it has a more pleasant scent at night than during the daytime.

It is also a source of essential oils that give off a distinct smell along with jade wood. If you leave it in your room, it will emit its aroma and repel all sorts of insects, including insects, cockroaches, and mosquitoes. Wood is also beneficial to well-being.

3. Woodiness

Sassafras is a unique design that is unique and stunning. Its colour is light yellow, and as it gets closer to its core woods, it slowly changes to orange.

4. Sassafras tree uses

The past was when sassafras were commonly used to construct houses and boats after discovering the wonderful properties of this tree. Artists started using Nu Sassa to create fine artwork and exquisite furniture for the home.

The sassafras's roots are often gorgeous designs. They are used as chairs and tables, and Buddha statues made from it are distinctive and stunning.

Wood is smoothed, similar to ironwood, and the body's oils are eliminated. To prevent breakage after a time of use. It is then accomplished by the delicately carved fingers of master craftsmen. They create beautiful and exclusive interior items.

The sassafras are utilized to make some of today's most well-known furniture items, including dining tables and chairs for the living room and tables for dining, beds, chairs, and kitchen cabinets.

5. Storage and shelf life

In past times, furniture made from sassafras was usually left unfinished because people wanted the furniture to preserve its scent. However, over time, ugly cracks can appear on the surface of the wood.

Later, PU spraying became more common; it was a popular method with many uses, including polishing, protection and beautiful paint for wood; it made the wood stronger and more resistant to cracking.

But, it will also lose its distinctive scent due to the sassafras. The most efficient method used by many families is to spray primer. You should leave a few places for the wood to retain the aroma. It will make furniture last longer and also preserve its original worth.

Because furniture from sassafras is so valuable, it is important to keep in mind some rules of maintenance:

Don't put furniture made of sassafras in a location with high temperatures or direct sunlight.

- Make sure to clean and disinfect your home regularly.

To keep the wood's colour fresh, you should polish the wood three to four times per year.

In addition to the great benefits, sassafras are highly adored and respected by wood lovers. If you are looking to purchase furniture made of wood, you can do it now; you can do so.

Sassafras oil benefits and drawbacks oil

Sassafras oil can be described as an oil extracted from the sassafras tree bark by steam distillation. The oil is high in safrole, which is a carcinogen, and it also contains camphor, eugenol, and a variety of sesquiterpenes.

However, many sassafras olive oil types are not safflower-free because this phenylpropene could inhibit certain nervous system functions and cause liver cancer.

Although a small amount and less diluted consumption of this oil could assist in other areas of health, such as those listed below, consuming it as the safest oil isn't advised.

Even tiny amounts of this oil, unrefined, could be fatal. Although sassafras oils are widely available, it is important to be cautious about the ingredients and process of preparation and the method you apply it to.

Sassafras Oil Benefits:

  • Reduces blood pressure. (Rudraksha tree could also be used for the treatment of blood pressure)
  • Reduces pain from gout.
  • Reduces inflammation.
  • Prevents liver damage. Head kills Lees.
  • Promotes the immune system.
  • It heals, bites and cuts.

How to Grow Sassafras Tree

Sassafras has a minimal maintenance tough tree that is hardy and low-maintenance. The only maintenance it needs is growing it as an ornamental tree. In this case, you have to remove the suckers from the root by cutting them down to ground level. Otherwise, it'll appear to be a shrub or grow into an overgrown thicket.

Sassafras is a good choice for full sun and shade, and it is best in patches of sun. It is an under-story tree, and the tree's location determines the canopy can be different. In full sunlight, it's wide and lush, and it is only a single layer of umbrella-shaped branches in under-story areas. The tree isn't tolerant of the shade of a large area.

Sassafras are cold-hardy to USDA zones 4-9. If you are in this category and the information about sassafras is intriguing to you, you could be wondering how you can grow Sassafras plants. Sassafras can be grown in a mix of shade and sun and are tolerant of soil. They can grow in loam, clay and sand, and acidic soils provide adequate drainage.

The moderate-sized plant has a surface root system that does not create any problems. However, it has a long and deep taproot, making transplanting larger specimens a problem.

1. Soil

Sassafras is a great plant to grow in loamy and sandy soil. The soil's drainage is crucial, and the tree cannot tolerate the wet soil.

2. Water

Young trees should be kept hydrated until they're established. When it isn't raining, water the tree at least once or twice per week in the first season of growth. Make sure you water the tree thoroughly to ensure that the water gets to the taproot of the tree.

3. Humidity and temperature

Sassafras is adaptable to various climate conditions, ranging from subzero temperatures to temperatures and humidity. In colder climates, it develops the appearance of a shrub.

4. Fertilizer

Do not apply fertilizer to new trees during the first year of their life, as it can slow down sassafras tree growth rate. In soils that are generally fertile, established trees typically don't require fertilizer; however, if the soil you are growing in lacks nutrients, make sure you feed it full-on fertilizer at the start of your growing season.

5. Pruning

If you plant sassafras in your garden as an ornamental plant, it will not require much pruning, other than removing weak branches during the latter part of winter or in early spring before the tree is ready to go out.

The sassafras's stand can be pruned to give the thickets a more neat appearance. However, it's not required for the health of the tree.

6. Propagating Sassafras tree

Due to their massive taproot, sassafras are difficult to move. Nursery trees grown in containers are the most likely to survive.

7. Common Pests and Plant Diseases

It is a tree indigenous to North America; sassafras is generally unaffected by many diseases and pests.

Two pests that are invasive from Asia However, they can cause problems: Japanese beetles and the redbay ambrosia beetle. It isn't directly damaging trees. However, it transmits laurel wilt disease, an extremely deadly fungus, to trees' sapwood.

If you find that your sassafras is suffering from death and wilting due to fungus, it's already too late.

Another serious insect can be the sassafras borer. The larvae create holes into branches that are on the terminal (i.e. "head" of a tree branch) "head" of the tree branch) and the edges of small branches, which causes an elongation of the foliage.

Young trees are more susceptible and could die if the problem is serious. Woodpeckers could help you out by consuming small quantities of the pupae and larvae.

To prevent chemicals, take out infested terminals and branches where the female beetles have laid eggs. Remove the branches in the garbage or remove them completely to end the two-year cycle of the border.

8. Common Problems

Sassafras favours mildly acidic to neutral soil, so if the sassafras tree leaves turn chlorotic, the soil could be too acidic. The tree is also susceptible to damage caused by ice storms.

Sassafras is a disproportionately slim tree trunk that could be as thin as 6-8 inches wide when used as an understory tree, making it vulnerable to wind-induced breakage.

9. Sassafras Tree Care

Pruning these beautiful ornamental beauties isn't necessary for the beginning unless it builds an enduring structure. If not, sassafras tree maintenance is simple. Give the tree adequate irrigation, but be careful not to overwater it or allow it to sit in muddy soils.

The tree is pretty drought-resistant, too. Sassafras can be susceptible to verticillium-wilt. However, aside from that, they are resistant to pests.

Sassafras can be male or female, and although they both flower, with males being the most spectacular flower, only females produce fruit. It is necessary to plant both male and female trees to produce fruit.


Are the sassafras afras easy to use?

Sassafras is a low-maintenance plant that is drought-tolerant and resistant to pests.

How fast will sassafras grow?

Under the right conditions, Sassafras can expand to as high as 4 feet in a year.

How long does sassafras's lifespan last?

Sassafras trees seldom last longer than 30 years.

Bhanu Prakash

Bhanu Prakash is the owner of Nekopoi APK where he shares all the information regarding trees for free all over the world. Bhanu Prakash shares benefits of a tree along with all the other required content.

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