Coconut Tree: Types, Uses, How to grow and harvest - Tree Website

 coconut tree

The coconut tree is widely found in tropical coastal areas. According to a lot of modern studies, Coconut trees originate from the Central Indo-Pacific region. This tall giant, not to mention a beautiful tree, has many benefits, including edible fruit, fuel, oil, various medical uses, materials, milk, and many others. 

Further in this article, we will discuss different types of coconut trees, how to grow a coconut tree, medical uses, cosmetic uses, how it's used as fuel, and lastly about the excellent materials it provides us with.

Types of Coconut Trees

types of coconut tree

There are mainly just two types of Coconut trees, Tall ones and Dwarf ones. But due to technology, we get all sorts of hybrids. Today we'll talk about a few of them which are most popular. All of these are suited for different environments and have various benefits, so make sure to select the most suitable one for your environment and valuable for you.

1. West Coast Tall (WCT)

West Coast Tall

These are most common in India (1); these trees have been there for ages. People have been reaping the benefits of this tree for centuries now. These giants grow at the height of 15-18 m, taking 5-7 years to bear fruits. The main environmental benefit from this tree is that it is drought resilient.

2. East Coast Tall (ECT)

This type is one of the most yielded in the world. These are also giants with their growth ranging from 15 -18 m as well; they take 6-8 years to bear fruits. This tree could grow in a wide range of soils, from sandy, loamy, or straight up poor soil.

3. Orange Dwarf Coconut Tree

Orange Dwarf Coconut Tree

This tree can bear fruit in just 3-4 years, making it one of the best options. Not only that, being small in size, it's easy to have in your backyard. Although the tree is fragile to strong wind, make sure to grow it somewhere with less wind.

4. Green Dwarf Coconut Tree

Green Dwarf Coconut Tree

Same as the orange dwarf, this tree can bear fruit in just 3-4 years and be the same size as the orange dwarf. But this one is slightly at an advantage because it is resistant to the root's wilt disease.

5. Others

There are a few hybrid trees which are the following

  • Maypan Coconut Tree: These are hybrid between dwarf and tall trees, producing fruits ranging from medium to large.
  • VHC1 Coconut Tree: These are also hybrid trees that take about four years to produce fruits, making them an excellent option to consider. 
  • King Orange Coconut: As the name suggests, this tree bears fruit rich in many required elements from calcium to amino acids; it's all in there.

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How To Grow a Coconut Tree (From Seed)

how to grow a coconut tree

Growing a Coconut tree is very fun; at the same time, it is effortless. But it can be very testing as well, as it takes 3-7 years to give you fruit finally; keep all that in mind before wanting to grow your tree. 

  • First things first, you need to get a coconut enriched with water. You can quickly identify that by simply shaking it up and down. Ensure that the coconut is still in the husk (freshly fallen out fruit will do the job, or you can get one from the local store).
  • Now you need to take the nut out of the husk. While doing so, be extra careful not to damage the nut itself.
  • Next up, you need a container filled with water (preferably a bucket). Now you need to place the nut inside that container for 3-4 days. Put some weight on top of the coconut (a big stone will be able to get the job done), as the nut must be thoroughly soaked.
  • Your nut should have softened up and should feel hydrated. Now you will need a polythene bag (or plastic bag), and fill ⅙ with water. Put your nut in there and tightly close the bag with a zip tie or a rubber band (make sure it's as tightly packed as possible).
  • Take the bag and put it in a place where there is absolutely no sunlight and where it's warm for 7-11 days, preferably in the kitchen, since it's warm and dark there. When the coconut has a sprout coming out of it which should be about your pinky finger’s height, take the coconut out of the plastic bag. 
  • During the time the coconut is in the bag, you should prepare the soil. First, you’ll need to mix half sand and half soil into a container. It could be anything at all as long as it's able to let a tree grow. However, if you plan to plant the tree outside, do not use the mixed soil. Instead, buy the unique potting soil.
  • Now take your germinated coconut and put it into your mixed soil. Put ⅔ of your coconut into the soil and keep the sprout out. Make sure you water the soil twice a week. It should also be out in the sun, and the weather should be warm. 
  • After the period of 3-7 (depending on which type of tree you grew) years, the tree should start to give fruits, and you can harvest your coconut and use it for various purposes.
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How to Harvest Coconut Palm Tree?

coconut tree vs palm tree

There are two ways to harvest from a Coconut tree:

  • First is simple, climbing the tree with the help of a ring-like tool and harvesting it (This doesn't apply to Dwarfs). Upon reaching the top, we can use a knife to cut the harvest.
  • The second is more accessible than the first one; it is done by using a ladder. After climbing to the top with the help of the ladder again, use the knife to get your harvest.

Medical Uses Of The Coconut Tree

coconut tree uses

Oh, man! Where to even start with the medical uses of this fantastic tree. It is indeed the " Tree of Life " not just by name but also from various benefits of this tree (2). These can be used for various medical purposes, from its leaves to flowers to oil, fruit, and even its roots. Let’s start with its leaves.

  • Leaves: they can be used to cure pain in your muscles, and it is very simple. Just take some leaves, boil them with your bathing water and take a dip. Or you can brew those leaves, and down goes the hatch.
  • Oil: It is mainly used for hairs or the body, which has excellent effects from relieving a headache to protecting you from cancer. It can also be consumed, which helps the digestive system with the problem of constipation.
  • Coconut Milk: Widely for its treatment of constipation, it also has one other significant medical use. If you're suffering from an eye infection, it can be used to cure certain types of those infections; rinse your eyes with some milk, and you're good to go.
  • Coconut Water: Urinary problems are one of the most painful things that can happen to you but worry not as coconut water is said to do wonders with helping that. Since it is rich in natural Vitamin C and Potassium, it is also very beneficial for your stomach aches.
  • Roots: The roots too can be used to treat urinary as well as problems with the bladder. Along with its amazing effects on atopic dermatitis, it can also be used to cure Fibrosis. 
  • Flower: This one is more of a remedy than a medicine. So, according to older people, brewing some flowers and drinking will help kidney-related diseases.

Cosmetic Uses

Coconut has many cosmetic uses, the most common being oil. It's one of the best anti-aging oils, which protects your skin from wrinkles of most sorts. It helps to smoothen the skin. It's also great if you want to grow your hair.

1. Fuel

That might be a surprise to many of you, but it is more common than you might have realized. It's called biofuel, which is used as an alternative fuel to diesel, or it can also be mixed with diesel to perform specific tasks.

2. Material

There are a lot of things from a coconut tree that can be used as material.

  • The most common is wood, which is used for crafting a good amount of wooden stuff. The wood can also be turned into charcoal and used.
  • The leaves are also used in various things.
  • The shell is used as fuel, or it can also be turned into charcoal and be used.
  • The Fiber gained from the husk can be used in various ways, from producing ropes to mats. 
  • Even the leaves are used in many ways; in India, they are commonly used to make a unique sort of broom. 
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The tree has an insane amount of benefits. Still, it also requires a lot of patience, care, and a suitable environment to grow in, but once you have done everything, you will be proud and glad of yourself because you won’t be able to help but feel satisfied with your work. Depending on the type of Coconut tree, it would have a life span of 10 to 20 years.

Bhanu Prakash

Bhanu Prakash is the owner of Nekopoi APK where he shares all the information regarding trees for free all over the world. Bhanu Prakash shares benefits of a tree along with all the other required content.

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